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72nd Anniversary of Kopassus, Dedication of the Song ‘Ksatria Kusuma Bangsa’ to Prabowo Subianto

Kopassus soldiers performed the song ‘Ksatria Kusuma Bangsa’ dedicated to the 15th Kopassus Commander, Prabowo Subianto during the 72nd Anniversary peak ceremony at the Kopassus Headquarters Field in Cijantung, Jakarta. The song, featured in a video tron, showcased Prabowo’s journey from his early days as a soldier to his current role as the Minister of Defense. It has won awards in various competitions, including first place in the Persit Central level singing competition in 2018. General Agus Subiyanto expressed his respect for veteran elders who contributed to making Kopassus strong. Prabowo presented commemorative pins to the 11 soldiers who performed the song as a token of appreciation.

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