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CSIS Reacts Favorably to Prabowo Subianto’s Cabinet: Ministries and Agencies to Receive More Specialized Portfolios

Jakarta — Yose Rizal Damuri, the Executive Director of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), has praised the establishment of the Merah Putih Cabinet under President Prabowo Subianto. He believes that the creation of specialized ministries and new agencies demonstrates the government’s focused approach to specific issues.

Speaking at a CSIS media briefing titled “Responding to Prabowo-Gibran Cabinet: Implications, Risks, and Recommendations,” which was streamed on CSIS Indonesia’s YouTube channel on Friday (Oct. 25), Yose expressed his optimism about the cabinet’s structure.

Yose explained, “This is a positive outcome of the cabinet formation. Despite its size, each ministry and agency now has a more specialized portfolio to tackle specific areas that need attention.”

He highlighted the example of a dedicated ministry that oversees Indonesia’s downstream industry, showing the government’s commitment to advancing this sector. Yose also mentioned an agency dedicated to managing the Free Nutritious Meals program, supervised by the Nutrition Agency, as a demonstration of the government’s focus on priority areas.

Discussing foreign affairs, Yose pointed out the designation of a deputy minister focusing on Middle East issues. He believes this targeted approach allows for more focused attention on critical matters.

At the inaugural Merah Putih Cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday (Oct. 23), Prabowo emphasized the challenges posed by Indonesia’s complex bureaucracy. He urged ministers to proactively eliminate obstacles and inefficiencies.

Prabowo stated, “Our citizens often feel that government bureaucracy complicates things rather than simplifies them. Some even ask, ‘if it can be difficult, why make it easy?’ I encourage our ministers to be bold and decisive in providing the best service for our people.” (RR)

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