Berita tentang Prabowo subianto yang humanis, tegas dan berani

Dr. Boyke Setiawan’s Son Exposes Prabowo Subianto’s 1988 Proposal to Establish SMA Taruna Nusantara

Prabowo Subianto Turns 80’s Proposal into Indonesia’s Top High School

Jakarta — Not many are aware that the future president of Indonesia for 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, played a significant role in the establishment of SMA Taruna Nusantara, which has now become one of the leading high schools in the country.

Dirgayuza Setiawan, the son of the late Dr. Boyke Setiawan, a close associate of Prabowo, recently unveiled the proposal for the creation of SMA Taruna Nusantara. This proposal, co-authored by Prabowo and his father in 1988, was found in Dr. Boyke’s personal archives. The document was submitted to the Minister of Defense and Security (Menhankam) and the president at that time.

“In February, Mr. @prabowo asked me to search through my late father’s archives: ‘Yuza, please find my proposal to the President and Menhankam for the establishment of SMA TN. Your father kept it,'” shared Dirgayuza on his Instagram story @dirgayuza on September 10.

After a thorough search, Dirgayuza found the document Prabowo was looking for in his father’s cabinet.

Dirgayuza also shared several photos of the proposal, showcasing initial sketches of the school, the table of contents, the foreword, and a timeline for the school’s development from 1988 to 1990.

In the foreword of the proposal, Prabowo and his team expressed their commitment to contributing to the nation’s development by establishing SMA Taruna Nusantara.

The proposal highlighted the importance of education, particularly in science and technology, as a key element in nation-building. It emphasized the need to harness Indonesia’s rich resources and talented youth by providing them with suitable education and opportunities.

SMA Taruna Nusantara was envisioned to be a platform where the country’s best and brightest could enhance their talents and skills, ultimately benefiting Indonesia’s future growth and development.

The document also disclosed that the initials “PS” and “BS” referred to Prabowo Subianto and Boyke Setiawan, respectively. Dirgayuza, known for editing several of Prabowo’s books, revealed that his father, Dr. Boyke Setiawan, was a retired TNI officer who later served as the rector of UKRI, an educational institution he founded in 2017. Prior to that, Boyke had been a trusted advisor to Prabowo, overseeing his Polo Club sports and recreation business. (RR)

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